Spend less time worrying about your teeth and more time doing what makes you smile with full-mouth restoration, replacing both your upper and lower sets of teeth with dental implants.
If you’re having trouble with your remaining natural teeth since treatment, total smile restoration can help you:
Chew easier and expand your diet to include your favorite foods
Remove any remaining infection from your mouth
Further decrease your risk of illness like diabetes, heart disease, or stroke
End your struggle with painful chewing, loose teeth, and gum disease today. Full-mouth dental implants are a permanent solution that can help you look and feel your best.
With a variety of new third-party offers, rates, and partners, we can help develop a payment plan to help you fit full-mouth restoration into your specific budget.
After dental implant treatment, 90% of ClearChoice patients surveyed felt more confident. Don’t waste another day feeling insecure about your smile, find out how total smile restoration can help. Call (888) 486-3443 for more information.