Many patients come to ClearChoice Dental Implant Centers to restore their smile and confidence, but did you know that dental implants can also dramatically impact your overall health and wellbeing?
120+ different diseases originate in the mouth
Gum disease increases your risk of heart disease by 25%
A diet limited by dental pain or missing teeth can be nutritionally deficient
93% of people with gum disease are at risk for diabetes
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Alzheimer’s disease
Bone loss
Respiratory infection
However, dental implants can actually help improve your oral health by removing bacteria and restoring health to the tissues in your mouth that support the teeth and prevent further tooth loss.
Dental implants can help reduce your risk of illness as well as help expand your diet to include healthy foods like nuts, fresh fruits, and crisp vegetables which can increase your intake of essential nutrients, including Vitamin C and fiber.
Enjoy a healthy, well balanced diet
Improve your oral and overall health
Look and feel better, inside and out
ClearChoice Network doctors have years of additional training beyond general dentistry and have transformed more than 125,000 lives. If you have additional questions about making an investment in your overall health through dental implant treatment, contact your local center at (888) 486-3443.